In the heart of Tokyo’s Shibuya district, a vibrant world of Japanese anime awaits. Get ready to learn about a 2.5-hour guided tour that’s a dream come true for anime enthusiasts. Led by an English-speaking guide, you’ll explore iconic stores like Mandarake and Animate, uncover hidden gems, and score exclusive finds. But that’s not all – refuel with a delicious Tonkotsu Ramen lunch, a beloved Japanese staple that’ll leave you craving for more. With personalized attention in a small group of four, this unique tour promises unforgettable memories and exclusive souvenirs. But what secrets lie within these anime havens, and what surprises await you around every corner?

Just The Basics

Tokyo Shibuya Tour of Japanese Anime Stores With Ramen Lunch - Just The Basics

• Explore Shibuya’s anime scene with a 2.5-hour guided tour, visiting iconic stores like Mandarake and Animate.
• Enjoy a delicious Tonkotsu Ramen lunch break, a beloved staple in Japanese cuisine.
• Discover hidden gems and exclusive finds with the guidance of an English-speaking expert.
• Take advantage of a flexible cancellation policy, allowing for free refunds up to 24 hours in advance.
• Benefit from a small group size of four participants, ensuring personalized attention and an intimate experience.

Tour Details and Logistics

Tokyo Shibuya Tour of Japanese Anime Stores With Ramen Lunch - Tour Details and Logistics

This 2.5-hour Tokyo Shibuya Anime Stores tour is carefully crafted to ensure a fun and immersive experience, with a limited group size of just four participants to guarantee personalized attention.

The tour is led by an English-speaking guide, ensuring that language barriers won’t get in the way of your anime adventure.

With a flexible cancellation policy that allows for free refunds up to 24 hours in advance, you can book with confidence.

Meet your guide at the MAGNETSHIBUYA main entrance, and get ready for a jam-packed afternoon of anime exploration and delicious ramen.

With a price tag of just $77.18 per person, this tour is an affordable way to experience the best of Shibuya’s anime scene.

Explore Anime and Gaming Stores

Tokyo Shibuya Tour of Japanese Anime Stores With Ramen Lunch - Explore Anime and Gaming Stores

As they step into the vibrant streets of Shibuya, anime enthusiasts will geek out over the array of specialized stores waiting to be explored, each one a treasure trove of Japanese pop culture goodies.

They’ll dive into Mandarake, a seven-story anime and manga paradise, or scour the shelves of Animate, Japan’s largest anime and manga retailer.

Gamers won’t want to miss the retro gaming haven, Super Potato, where they can snag rare titles and merchandise.

From rare collectibles to latest releases, these stores offer a sensory overload of Japanese pop culture delights.

With expert guidance, you will uncover hidden gems and score exclusive finds, making this tour a dream come true for anime and gaming aficionados.

Ramen Lunch Experience

Tokyo Shibuya Tour of Japanese Anime Stores With Ramen Lunch - Ramen Lunch Experience

Slurping down a steaming bowl of Tonkotsu Ramen, participants refuel for the rest of their anime adventure in Shibuya.

This savory break provides a much-needed energy boost to tackle the afternoon’s excitement.

The rich, creamy broth and springy noodles are the perfect comfort food to warm the soul.

As they slurp, they’ll discover why Ramen is a beloved staple in Japanese cuisine.

This mouthwatering interlude allows participants to recharge, chat with fellow enthusiasts, and share their anime finds so far.

With full bellies and renewed enthusiasm, they’ll be ready to dive back into the world of Japanese pop culture, eager to explore more anime and gaming treasures Shibuya has to offer.

Inclusions and Extras

Tokyo Shibuya Tour of Japanese Anime Stores With Ramen Lunch - Inclusions and Extras

What’s included in this fantastic anime adventure?

Your tour guide is included, of course, to ensure you navigate Shibuya’s anime scene like a pro.

You’ll also enjoy a delicious ramen lunch, courtesy of the tour.

And, when you find that rare anime collectible or must-have merch, the shopping cost is on you, but hey, it’s worth it!

With a small group size of just four participants, you’ll get personalized attention and a more intimate experience.

Meeting Point and Reviews

Tokyo Shibuya Tour of Japanese Anime Stores With Ramen Lunch - Meeting Point and Reviews

Meet your guide at the main entrance of MAGNETSHIBUYA, a bustling hotspot in Shibuya, where the anime adventure begins! This is where you’ll embark on a thrilling journey through Tokyo’s vibrant anime scene.

The meeting point is easy to find, right in front of MAGNETSHIBUYA’s main entrance.

This tour has a perfect 5-star rating based on 1 review.

Ulrike from Germany raved about the tour, saying it was ‘Great’ on April 10, 2024.

Reviews will give you an idea of what to expect from this fantastic tour.

Check out what others have said to get excited for your anime adventure!

Booking and Pricing Details

Tokyo Shibuya Tour of Japanese Anime Stores With Ramen Lunch - Booking and Pricing Details

With a price tag starting at just $77.18 per person, securing your spot on this anime adventure is more accessible than you think! Booking is easy, and you can reserve now and pay later to secure your spot without paying a dime today. Here’s a breakdown of the booking details:

| Booking Option | Price (per person) |
| Reserve Now, Pay Later | $0 (pay later) |
| Standard Booking | $77.18 |
| Last-Minute Booking (24 hours) | $90.00 |
| Private Tour (up to 4 people) | $250.00 |
| Cancellation Fee (within 24 hours) | $20.00 |

Don’t miss out on this exciting tour of Tokyo’s anime stores and ramen lunch experience! Book now and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in Shibuya!

What to Expect on Tour

Tokyo Shibuya Tour of Japanese Anime Stores With Ramen Lunch - What to Expect on Tour

As you explore the heart of Tokyo’s anime culture, your knowledgeable guide will lead you through the vibrant streets of Shibuya, uncovering hidden gems and must-visit stores that every anime enthusiast dreams of exploring. Get set for an immersive adventure that will take you to the epicenter of Japanese pop culture.

Explore iconic anime and manga stores, including Mandarake and Animate.

Discover hidden gems and unique shops that only locals know about.

Indulge in a delicious ramen lunch, a popular Japanese cuisine.

Get insider tips and insights from your knowledgeable guide.

Take home unforgettable memories and exclusive souvenirs from your anime adventure.

Preparing for Your Adventure

Tokyo Shibuya Tour of Japanese Anime Stores With Ramen Lunch - Preparing for Your Adventure

Before diving into Tokyo’s anime wonderland, gear up by wearing comfortable shoes and dressing for the season, as this adventure will take you on a thrilling journey through Shibuya’s bustling streets.

Don’t forget to pack essentials like sunscreen, a refillable water bottle, and a portable charger for your devices.

It’s also a good idea to bring some cash, as not all stores accept credit cards.

Lastly, don’t overpack – you’ll want to leave some extra space in your bag for all the awesome anime merchandise you’ll be buying!

With these prep tips, you’ll be ready to take on the ultimate anime adventure in Shibuya!

Final Words

Tokyo Shibuya Tour of Japanese Anime Stores With Ramen Lunch - Final Words

Get ready to level up your Tokyo adventure!

This anime-themed tour is a dream come true for fans of Japanese pop culture.

With insider knowledge, you’ll uncover Shibuya’s hidden gems and score exclusive souvenirs.

Refuel with a delicious Tonkotsu Ramen lunch, and enjoy personalized attention in a small group setting.

It’s the ultimate experience for any anime enthusiast – don’t miss out!

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